Friends of Granville

The Friends of Granville (FOG), our Parents’ Association, supports our school community by organising social events for parents and children as well as holding fund-raising events to raise money for educational and sporting equipment that is outside the resources provided by the school.  In recent years FOG has raised funds for iPads, digital information screens and the school’s two minibuses.

FOG Events for Parents

A Welcome Drinks Party is held at the beginning of the academic year to introduce new parents and staff to the school.  In addition there is a bi-annual Summer Ball and various other social events. In recent years this has included a Barn Dance, a Wine Tasting evening, a Quiz and a Race evening for parents.

FOG Events for Pupils

FOG organises the Junior Movie night and Senior Disco as well as the Secret Santa Grotto at Christmas.  The highlight of the year however, is the Founder’s Day Fete held in May to celebrate the birthday of the school and its founder, Mrs Ena Makin.

FOG Committee (2021-2022)

  • Chair: Elizabeth Stopford
  • Secretary: Catherine Carter
  • Treasurer: Emily Wood

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