Prep School

During the Prep School phase of their education, the children will experience many new things and take even greater strides in academic and personal development. As the girls move through The Granville School they will be expected to take greater responsibility for their learning, having the confidence to take risks and manage the consequences if they are not initially successful, both in their learning and in their everyday lives.

As girls progress through Years 3 to 6 (Key Stage Two) they encounter more subject specialists. Science lessons, which are taught in the well-equipped laboratory, strongly feature practical and investigative work.

The curriculum does not narrow as girls get older; rather, we are able to offer the breadth and balance that feed the imagination and encourage independent, lifelong learning throughout the Junior School. The girls’ horizons are broadening as there are so many opportunities for them to extend their studies in every sphere and by joining one of the many exciting and varied extra-curricular activities.

At this stage in your daughter’s school career, she will have the opportunity to be playing in matches and fixtures against other schools, taking part in major dramatic (and musical) productions and finding that her studies have extended to include Latin.

Girls are prepared for entry into Senior School.  We discuss this process with parents very carefully in order to ensure that each girl goes to the school that is right for her and is able to move on to the very best independent and state schools. Each year we assist our leavers in finding a place at the school of their choice.  We achieve this through a combination of extensive academic preparation (which includes verbal, non-verbal reasoning and critical thinking skills); discussions with parents and our knowledge of local schools and their entrance requirements.

Girls also take on additional responsibilities around the school and are excellent role models for the rest of the school.

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