Design Technology

Design Technology has a role in developing a child’s problem-solving and decision-making skills. Pupils learn how to research problems, to find out how things are made and how they work, to ask questions, evaluate, generate ideas, construct plans and create products. Projects often complement and enrich learning in other areas of the school curriculum.

The subject is structured to introduce different materials, processes, knowledge and equipment and offers children the satisfaction of becoming innovative ‘designers and makers’.

Cookery and Nutrition is also part of the Design Technology curriculum. This fun, hands-on subject engages with healthy eating principles, origins of food, seasonality of ingredients and essential cooking techniques.

“Everybody in this country should learn how to program a computer… because it teaches you how to think.”

Steve Jobs (Apple founder)

Our girls are so happy here. The teachers are experts and obviously care deeply about the pupils. .”

Current Parent

The teachers are all extremely experienced, and the environment is exceptionally warm, caring and stimulating. I recommend it whole-heartedly.”

Current Parent

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