
In order to widen access to the school we have a number of bursaries available. Parents are required to complete an in-depth financial disclosure form which is then considered by the Governors’ Bursary Committee. The amount awarded will vary according to need, but can amount to 100% of the fees. Each awarded bursary is reviewed annually.

All prospective parents are invited to have a personal tour of the school with the Headmistress. The process and availability of receiving a bursary can then be discussed.

Our  bursary policy is outlined here.

“Pupils extra-curricular achievement is excellent. [The clubs] provide extensive opportunities for pupils to find and develop their aptitudes and interests.”

ISI Report 2017

“Lunch is a pleasant, unrushed occasion with plenty of nutritious food available.”

ISI Report 2011

“From the earliest years onwards and in all subjects, academic attainment is considerably in advance of that expected at the relevant levels of age and stage of development”

ISI Report 2017

“Pupils build rapidly on prior attainment and make swift academic progress.”

ISI Report 2017

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