
Our girls are so happy here. The teachers are experts and obviously care deeply about the pupils. .”

Current Parent

The school’s governing body volunteer their time and professional skills to ensure that the school operates efficiently. They are responsible for the long-term strategy and future development of the school and meet regularly to discuss school development matters and offer support to the school’s headmistress and senior management team. Mrs Nicole Coll is the Chair of the Board of Governors. She may be contacted through the School Office.


Mrs Ann Musgrave
Mr Richard Don
Mr Patrick Reynolds
Mrs Jane Holland
Mr John Guyatt
Mrs Vikki Seymour
Mr Paul Sheldon
Mr Rowland Constantine



Mrs Nicole Coll Chairman of Governors
Mrs Heather Paget-Brown Deputy Chair of Governors
Mr James Howard
Mr George Brown
Mrs Anna Jobke
Mrs Louise McCabe-Arnold
Miss Bridget Ward
Mrs Genevieve Heselden
Mr Philip Tippin


Clerk to Governors

Mr Gerard Garcia


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