PSHCE is a complex but important curriculum area that the school covers informally and formally each week.

In the lower part of the school this takes place in a more teacher led setting, where role play is encouraged so that the children can improve their social skills and focus on relationship building between themselves, their peers and the wider school community.

In the senior years the sessions become more child led as they begin to take responsibility for their actions and learning. They contribute through discussion and circle time, which acts as a forum for ideas and strategies. The girls are encouraged to take an active part in the lessons and enjoy the interaction. In this way they become familiar with situations and expectations of life and share the opportunity to discuss their feelings and experiences in a safe and comfortable environment. Throughout the school the ‘Social, Emotional Aspects of Learning’ (SEAL) underpin our curriculum.

As part of our PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education) curriculum we have always aimed to deliver accurate, relevant and age-appropriate information about Relationships – one of the three core strands of PSHCE (the other two being Health and Wellbeing and Living in the Wider World).  Relationships and Sex Education forms part of children’s learning about the world around them and how they interact with others. 

Teaching children about the wonderful differences among humans has always been considered an important message in education. Just as we want to encourage children to celebrate their many different talents, strengths, goals and dreams, we also aim to promote the celebration of diversity among cultures, religions and traditions. Celebrating diversity among family structures and relationships is exactly the same principal and a whole-school approach is vital.  

“Lunch is a pleasant, unrushed occasion with plenty of nutritious food available.”

ISI Report 2011

“Pupils extra-curricular achievement is excellent. [The clubs] provide extensive opportunities for pupils to find and develop their aptitudes and interests.”

ISI Report 2017

‘I’m so impressed with the progress my daughter has made at The Granville. Provision for drama through the LAMDA has been especially impressive with her growing in confidence and self belief.’

Current Parent

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