Year 5 & 6

The very sound academic foundation in the core skills provided up to the end of Year 4 enables teachers to undertake a variety of challenging work in the last two years of the girls’ academic life at The Granville, where every subject is taught by a specialist and many tasks in Year 5 and Year 6 incorporate secondary level material.  In addition, Latin is also introduced to the girls in Year 6. Girls eagerly anticipate their residential trips, which are often a highlight.

Additionally, there is an emphasis on personal development and greater responsibility for the girls as they become more involved in taking on leadership roles around the school.  By the time girls reach Year 6 they are confident, articulate and show great initiative.  They not only demonstrate great empathy and awareness but are also independent learners, able to think critically, undertake independent research and are competent ICT users.

Careful planning and guidance for senior school entry ensures that the girls are fully prepared for Scholarship and Common Entrance exams to independent senior schools and for the 11+ exams for entry to local grammar senior schools, which we are proudly very successful with.

By the end of Year 6 our pupils leave us with offers from schools of their choice, ready to face the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead as they move into their secondary phase of education.

“Pupils achieve success and fulfilment across a wide range of activities and pursuits.”

ISI Report 2017

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