Forest School

The Forest School initiative takes advantage of the wonderful green woodland setting of The Granville School. Outdoor learning has numerous educational benefits, including; building resilience, self-esteem and confidence, allowing children to assess risk and having the opportunity to be creative and connect with nature. Our innovative Forest School programme is a specialised learning approach that sits within and complements the wider context of outdoor and woodland education. Each week, children from Pre-School to Year 3 (and Year 6 in the Autumn Term) have Forest School session for a morning or afternoon in the natural wooded area in the school grounds. This area is well sheltered with tree canopies and is inhabited by a variety of flora and fauna.

Sessions are led by teachers with Level 3 Forest School training and Outdoor First Aid qualifications.

What are the benefits?

  • Personal and social development – improving communication skills, working with others.
  • Physical activity and movement – fine and gross motor skills development.
  • Resilience – problem solving and persistence.
  • Confidence – self-esteem, positive attitude, taking more risks, showing initiative, intrinsic motivation.
  • Wellbeing – fun and enjoyment, restoration, stress reduction.
  • Cognitive impacts – knowledge and understanding about the world around them and respect for their environment

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