Year 3 & 4

Children move smoothly and seamlessly from the Pre-Prep into the Prep School with access to similar teaching staff and facilities which ease the transition.

The range and depth of academic challenge increases in Years 3 and 4. It is enhanced by numerous extra-curricular clubs and activities in Sport, Art, Music and Drama.

Exciting and intellectually stimulating material, skilled teaching, bespoke and individualised programmes of study, supported by a wide range of resources and technology produce a high standard of work. Good study habits are nurtured in the girls through regular challenging homework and class tests. Class work is differentiated and can involve team teaching with specialist teachers. This allows flexibility of groups and topics.

The emphasis is on the core subjects of Literacy, Numeracy, Science and ICT, but the syllabus also includes the teaching of History, Geography, Art, Music, French, Design Technology, Drama, PHSCE (Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education) and RE.

In Year 3 there is a further small intake of girls and the classes are split into two smaller mixed ability groups of approximately 15. They are carefully integrated into newly mixed classes to help them settle quickly, ready to make the most of the huge range of opportunities offered by the curriculum and extracurricular programme.

“Pupils build rapidly on prior attainment and make swift academic progress.”

ISI Report 2017

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