Music Tuition

Instrumental Tuition

Highly qualified and experienced visiting instrumental teachers offer weekly lessons in piano, violin, viola, cello, clarinet, saxophone, flute, fife, French Horn, Trumpet, tenor horn, theory and singing. Individual music lessons are held during the school day and lesson times are rotated in a carousel to ensure that girls do not miss important academic curriculum lessons. The girls are encouraged to perform in school concerts both informal and formal and are prepared for Associated Board exams. Girls who choose to have their music lessons outside school are encouraged to play a full part in the musical life of The Granville and join orchestra and other chamber groups.

Music Ensembles

At The Granville there are plenty of opportunities for the girls to take part in extra-curricular music activities. All pupils receive an additional weekly lesson on the recorder in Years 2 and 3 and girls in Years 4, 5 and 6 can continue with their recorder playing in one of our Recorder Ensembles. All girls who learn an orchestral instrument are encouraged to join either our Junior Orchestra for beginners up to Grade 1 standard, or our Senior Orchestra for Grade 2 and above. We have numerous other chamber groups that are coached by our expert visiting Music Teachers including flute quartets and trios, string trios, quartets and quintets and a cello quartet. More able pianists at the senior end of the school are invited to play percussion in Senior Orchestra. All girls in Years 5 and 6 are members of our Senior Choir which rehearses weekly and gives several performances of a high standard throughout the year both at school and at other local festivals. Several Granville girls also take part in choirs and ensembles outside school including the Lydian Training Orchestra, the National Children’s Orchestra, Musicale Sevenoaks, and other ensembles which are run by local music services Bromley Youth Music Trust and Kent County Music Service.

Visiting Musicians

We are fortunate to have regular visiting musicians who inspire our girls and teach new skills. Recent visits include Dragonsfire with their vast selection of Tudor instruments and percussionist Jo May who taught all our girls from Reception to Year 6 to play spoons!

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