
Geography is the study of places, the human and physical processes which shape them and the people who live in them. We encourage our pupils to investigate the world around them, from the local to the global.

We use fieldwork, first-hand experiences and secondary sources to locate and investigate the geographical features of a range of places and environments, including our own locality, contrasting areas in the UK and a wide range of other countries.

The study of our school locality forms an important part of the Geography curriculum. We have access to our own outdoor classroom in the woods where the pupils can see geography in action.

Throughout the school pupils are encouraged to use appropriate geographical vocabulary to promote their thinking. We encourage direct experience, practical activities and investigations within the classroom and further afield, together with the use of ICT equipment. As the children progress through the school, they are introduced to a wide variety of topical, geographical themes.

The children learn about and develop informed views and opinions on local, national and global issues such as sustainability, climate change, economic inequality, and their impact on people, places and environments in the past and the present. The school participates in various environmental schemes and actively encourages recycling both in and out of school.

Our girls are so happy here. The teachers are experts and obviously care deeply about the pupils. .”

Current Parent

The teachers are all extremely experienced, and the environment is exceptionally warm, caring and stimulating. I recommend it whole-heartedly.”

Current Parent

Mrs Lawrance leads a dedicated team of superb staff who first and foremost take care of the children’s minds, which in turn leads to the results for which Granville are renowned.

Parent of ex-pupil

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