children on a stage


Drama at The Granville School aims to develop skills that are tools for life. These skills enrich and develop self-awareness, relationships, confidence, and learning. The teaching nurtures individuality and creativity. It develops self-esteem, independent learning, expression, and empathy; encourages clear and imaginative communication; and provides an opportunity to perform in a variety of contexts. Specialist subject teaching begins in Year 1 and sees the girls through until they leave the school in Year 6.

There are many and varied opportunities throughout the school year where the skills developed in Drama class work are put into action, for example, readings at the Carol Service and choral poetry in the Spring Festival.


The Granville celebrates theatre throughout the year so that performing on stage is a natural part of school life, enjoyed by every girl and inclusive of all talents and interests. Each production is eagerly anticipated by the girls and rehearsals are a hive of shared ideas and generous collaboration.

Each year there are the eagerly anticipated play productions that take place at Christmas for Pre-School and Reception and Years 1 and 2. Later in the year, in Year 4 and Years 5 and 6 have their productions when the Hall and Stag Theatre come alive with characters in costumes and make-up, amidst scenery, sound and lights! The ensemble playing and simple pleasure of vibrant storytelling bind classmates together and make on stage memories that are treasured long after pupils have left us.

Past productions include:

Years 1 and 2 – The  Grinch, The Nutcracker, The Elves and the Shoemaker

Year 4 – The Necklace of Stories, The Jungle Book, Seussical, Peter Pan

Year 6 – Kitty Whittington (at The Stag Theatre, Sevenoaks), The Show Must Go Online, War Horse, The Wizard of Oz


LAMDA (London Academy of Music & Dramatic Art)

Annually, Years 1-2 take LAMDA exams in Speaking Verse and Prose. The children do so in Choral Groups, maintaining the strong tradition of poetry speaking at the school.

Year 3 – Girls are entered for their LAMDA entry level Public Speaking exam. This is done as a cross-curricular examination with English and informs their ESL assessments.

Years 4- 6 – Girls are entered for LAMDA Acting examinations (Entry – Grade 3). This is a non-compulsory part of the curriculum but is always fully subscribed.

An examiner from LAMDA visits the school and the children perform their prepared pieces. Historically the girls have done exceptionally well in all their exams with the majority gaining distinction across all grades.

‘I’m so impressed with the progress my daughter has made at The Granville. Provision for drama through the LAMDA has been especially impressive with her growing in confidence and self belief.’

Current Parent

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