
At The Granville high standards are attained in Mathematics. We seek to develop a positive attitude through a sense of purpose and achievement in the subject. Our aim is to ensure that the children leave The Granville, not only confident in the use of a wide range of skills, but also with an understanding of the subject that will support them through their senior schools and beyond.

While working in this subject we promote confidence, curiosity, independence, persistence and the ability to work individually, in pairs or groups. We place great emphasis on enjoyment as the children become secure with both mental strategies and written techniques ensuring a confident approach to problem solving and a desire for clarity and accuracy.

We aim to develop sound mathematical skills which can then be used and applied in a variety of contexts. Pupils learn to use mathematical systems and conventions and to appreciate the relationship between mathematical operations and processes, approaching tasks without anxiety.

The work in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 is based on the teaching programme in line with and well beyond the National Curriculum, in preparation for the wide range of entrance and scholarship tests taken. Our results reflect the very high levels achieved by children of all abilities. In Years 3-6 a variety of textbooks and material are used. Up to the end of Year 5 teachers mainly use the Galore Park Junior Maths Books and Target Your Maths and from Year 6 the emphasis is moved to the ‘Essential Mathematics’ series by David Rayner.

In Years 4 to 5 the girls are given the opportunity to participate in Maths Races which take place at other schools in the county. They thoroughly enjoy their involvement in these local competitions and in this way they develop confidence and enthusiasm for this subject. The Year 6 girls also enjoy taking part in national competitions: the MA Primary Mathematics Challenge and UKMT Junior Mathematics Challenge (and Olympiad).

Our girls are so happy here. The teachers are experts and obviously care deeply about the pupils. .”

Current Parent

The teachers are all extremely experienced, and the environment is exceptionally warm, caring and stimulating. I recommend it whole-heartedly.”

Current Parent

Mrs Lawrance leads a dedicated team of superb staff who first and foremost take care of the children’s minds, which in turn leads to the results for which Granville are renowned.

Parent of ex-pupil

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