Science Lesson at The Granville School

Explore Our School

The Granville is an exceptional school which combines the very best of Prep school tradition with a vibrant, forward looking outlook where change is embraced and innovation celebrated.  Here the children thrive on individual attention and achieve their potential in a happy, secure and stimulating environment.  Our highly qualified, specialist teachers make learning exciting, develop enquiring minds and raise levels of expectation.  Our annual festivals and celebrations of the children’s achievements all help to reinforce the strong family community and warm friendly atmosphere. We are proud to have achieved ‘Excellent’ in all areas in our most recent ISI inspection. It is a great privilege to be the Headmistress of such a wonderful school. I hope you get a sense of how special this school is from our website, but we would love to welcome you for a visit to show you everything we have to offer.

Mrs Louise Lawrance, Headmistress

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Granville map without points


At the Granville, our Kindergarten children learn in a light, bright and spacious, newly-built, Early Years’ block. In addition to their own dedicated outdoor learning area, the children also have access and regularly use the outside facilities which include a field, safely fenced playgrounds complete with tricycles and balance bikes, climbing frames, slides and climbing wall.  The Kindergarten children often go into our onsite woodland where they take part in Forest School activities.  They also have access to all the School’s specialist teaching rooms, including the Junior Library, French Room, Computing Suite and swimming pool.

Wrap Around Care

All children have access to our before and after school care, which enables them to be looked after from 7:30am to 6pm. These sessions are run by our permanent staff, ensuring high quality personalised care.

360 tour

Playground 360 tour

Junior Library 360 tour

"> Baking Class
"> Early Years Foundation Stage

Art & DT Studio

Visual education offers a unique contribution to the development of the child and is fundamental to the education of the well-rounded person.

At the Granville we offer high quality art education which develops creative and visual thinkers. In our large, purpose-built Art room pupils are given the space, time and support of skilled staff in developing skills to become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art techniques. Specialist Art and Design lessons are taught from Year 2.

A wide range of media and materials enables pupils to explore, build on and produce their own creative and imaginative ideas.

360 tour

"> girls in an art lesson
"> girl holding a mask
"> girls in an art lesson
"> girl sawing


The Reception class is another light and bright room with its own secure outdoor learning area.  Kindergarten children often join with the Reception girls for projects and themed activities and this ensures a smooth transition into Reception when the time comes.

The curriculum in Reception, is topic based involving many cross-curricular activities, that will support and tie into all areas of learning. The daily range of stimulating, hands on activities prompts the girls to ask questions, to discover, to wonder and to learn new skills. In Reception we continue to give the children ownership and independence over their own learning. Child-initiated opportunities are balanced with teacher-led activities.

360 tour


Woodland Forest School

The Forest School initiative takes advantage of the wonderful green woodland setting of The Granville School. Outdoor learning has numerous educational benefits, including; building resilience, self-esteem and confidence, allowing children to assess risk and having the opportunity to be creative and connect with nature. Our innovative Forest School is a specialised learning approach that sits within and complements the wider context of outdoor and woodland education. Each week, children from Kindergarten to Year 3 have Forest School sessions for a morning or afternoon in the natural wooded area in the school grounds. This area is well sheltered with tree canopies and is inhabited by a variety of flora and fauna.

Sessions are led by teachers with Level 3 Forest School training and Outdoor First Aid qualifications.

360 tour

"> girls sitting on tree stumps

Middle School

During the Prep School phase of their education, the children will experience many new things and take even greater strides in academic and personal development. As the girls move through The Granville School they will be expected to take greater responsibility for their learning, having the confidence to take risks and manage the consequences if they are not initially successful, both in their learning and in their everyday lives.

As girls progress through Years 3 to 6 (Key Stage Two) they encounter more subject specialists. Science lessons, which are taught in the well-equipped laboratory, strongly feature practical and investigative work.

Girls are prepared for entry into Senior School.  We discuss this process with parents very carefully in order to ensure that each girl goes to the school that is right for her and is able to move on to the very best independent and state schools. Each year we assist our leavers in finding a place at the school of their choice.  We achieve this through a combination of extensive academic preparation (which includes verbal, non-verbal reasoning and critical thinking skills); discussions with parents and our knowledge of local schools and their entrance requirements.



The Pre-Prep (Reception to Year 2) is a busy, challenging and exciting environment. Above all, it is a welcoming place where the development of individual strengths and talents is at the heart of everything we do. Staff strive to develop the talents, skills and enthusiasm for learning that will help the girls thrive. Recognition of individual effort and achievement is a key element of our ethos. Girls are encouraged to challenge the boundaries of their own learning which ensures a strong foundation for future success. An open-door policy is adopted and parents are encouraged to take an active part in their children’s progress.

Our excellent pastoral care means that every child is known. Classes, each with their own Teaching Assistant, allow teachers to provide personalised learning for all levels of ability. Specialist teachers in Music, French, ICT, Swimming, P.E and Games, Art and D.T add to the breadth of education received, allowing every girl many opportunities to try out new things and find her niche, equipping each with all the skills which they will need to move onwards through the school.

"> girls reading

Swimming Pool

The Jubilee Hall houses our indoor swimming pool. Flexible flooring enables the pool to be covered and the hall used for indoor sports. The shallow depth and warm water is perfect for developing water confidence and early swimming skills.  Once that is mastered, the children can perfect their swimming strokes across the width and length of the pool.

360 tour

"> girl in a swimming pool
"> girls in a swimming pool
"> girl in a swimming pool
"> children in a swimming pool
"> children in a swimming pool

Music & Drama

Music plays a very important and much-loved role in everyday life at The Granville, from daily singing in assemblies to elaborate festivals and large-scale performances. Specialist class music teaching begins at the age of 3 years and the children are encouraged to sing and respond physically to music from very early on. As they progress through the school, the focus is on a practical and “hands on” teaching approach which gives every child the chance to engage in some form of music-making, including improvisation and composition. Success in performance enhances children’s confidence and self-esteem.

Speech and Drama at The Granville School aims to develop skills that are tools for life. Skills which enrich self-awareness, relationships, confidence and learning. The teaching nurtures individuality and creativity, develops self-esteem, expression and empathy; encourages clear and imaginative communication; provides an opportunity to perform in a variety of contexts. Specialist subject teaching begins in Year 1 and sees the girls through till they leave the school in Year 6. All girls have a half hour lesson each week.

360 tour

"> children on stage
"> children on stage

Science Lab

A Granville education offers a bespoke curriculum designed to be challenging and engaging, as well as highly motivating and inspiring to each individual pupil. Carefully planned and progressive schemes of work aim to create a real sense of enjoyment and passion for learning.

Teaching & learning opportunities provide many varied tasks and activities that build on all aspects of a pupil’s academic and social development. Our lessons have clear learning objectives, carefully constructed open ended questioning, purposeful pupil discussion, and deliberate practice.

Discussions in pairs or group work, hands-on and practical activities and exciting resources support and enhance the development of pupils’ learning and understanding.

Each pupil’s progress and attainment is carefully monitored and tracked using a range of informal and formal assessments.  Parents are regularly informed about their child’s attainment and progress through the academic year in parents’ consultation evenings and written reports.

360 tour

"> girl playing with toys
"> girl looking at a beaker

Pastoral Care

The happiness and welfare of our girls is of prime importance and all members of staff are involved in pastoral care. We encourage a caring and supportive learning environment in which everyone feels safe, friendly and secure.

Positive Relationships

Staff provide a high standard of support, guidance and care to all pupils from the very youngest in Kindergarten to the girls in Year 6. Everyone at The Granville is known and relationships between staff and pupils are excellent, open and communicative. Relationships between pupils are also excellent.  Pupils care very well for each other and they are polite and courteous. The importance of respect for each other is taught from an early age and children know who to turn to if they need help.



Pupils gain much enjoyment in core sports such as Netball, Gymnastics, Dance, Swimming, Hockey, Pop Lacrosse, Rounders, and Athletics. However, many opportunities are available for pupils to try other sports in PE sessions or in co-curricular clubs, such as Football, Running, Tag Rugby, Cricket, Multi skills and Tennis

The Granville is renowned for its sporting excellence, competing in a range of fixtures against other schools and has enjoyed exceptional success at regional and national level in several sports including athletics, biathlon, cross country, netball and tennis.

360 tour

"> Gym Class at The Granville School
"> Netball at The Granville School
"> Netball lessons

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