Prep Learning

At The Granville, we have ambitious aims for our pupils.   We aim to support each unique individual to develop into a well-rounded learner who is fully equipped with the flexibility, resilience and resourcefulness to conquer whatever lies ahead of them in the rapidly changing global marketplace. We have designed our bespoke curriculum to capture the challenge, inquisitiveness and creativity that we believe should lie at the very core of teaching and learning.

We are proud to combine the best of primary practice with highly specialist teaching. Music, Drama, French, Art and Design and Technology (DT), Computing and PE and Games are all taught by experts in their fields and teachers who are passionate about educating our young learners to the highest possible standards.

Underpinning every aspect of our curriculum is a focus on developing the skills necessary for learning: problem-solving, critical thinking, communication, teamwork, organisation and independence. We aim to ignite children’s imaginations while simultaneously equipping them with the skills they will need for wherever their life and learning will take them.

We embed the values of a growth mindset, which encourages a desire to learn and to master new skills even when it is challenging. We celebrate the process of learning with our girls, not just the outcome. Developing learners who are not afraid to make mistakes, try something new and persevere when a task is difficult is a focus for us.

“Pupils extra-curricular achievement is excellent. [The clubs] provide extensive opportunities for pupils to find and develop their aptitudes and interests.”

ISI Report 2017

“Everybody in this country should learn how to program a computer… because it teaches you how to think.”

Steve Jobs (Apple founder)

‘I’m so impressed with the progress my daughter has made at The Granville. Provision for drama through the LAMDA has been especially impressive with her growing in confidence and self belief.’

Current Parent

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