26th February 20

On Shrove Tuesday, at break time, all girls from Reception to Year 6 came along to the field and terrace with their teachers for a pancake competition!

The girls lined up in their houses, with different year groups in different locations. Girls in Reception to Year 2, started on the bell, by passing the pancake in the pan, under and over each other’s legs! After one year had finished, a Year 6 runner took it to the next year group. When Year 3 girls took the pan, they each had to flip it once (trying not to drop it!) before another runner took it to Year 4 to flip, then to Year 5 and to finish with, Year 6! As chaotic as it may sound, the girls had a brilliant time and we had a lot of fun! The winning house was Chartwell, but a special mention to Knole for their super pancake flipping abilities!

Well done to all!

Good Schools Guide