Mathematics Schools Competition Winners

22nd May 24

Thursday 16th May, 2024…The Granville School enters the Sutton Valence Junior Mathematics Schools Competition.  Start time: 4pm.  The race is on.  Thirty minutes to answer twenty questions.  Start with question one, find an answer, run up to have it checked, collect the next question and keep going.
Rarely has the following happened – a team finishes with time to spare and has already achieved the maximum of 100 points.  They are the winners!  And who might that be?
The Granville girls from Year 6!
But there is one more thing to mention…This was a competition for the under 12s.  Our girls were competing against Year 7 students and still achieved this feat.
Huge congratulations to all of the girls.  We are so proud of your teamwork, perseverance and drive to achieve.  Well done for giving us a huge smile and excitement.
Good Schools Guide