Pantastic Performance

20th December 19

Year 4 gave an incredible performance on the last day of the first half of term. The girls created a fantastic show and I am sure, for those who came to watch, the audience were treated to a magical evening.

I was incredibly proud of the focus and commitment given by each and every girl. They engaged with each other, told the story beautifully and I was captivated by their energy, team work and performance. Not a moment lost, not a line dropped, not an entrance or exit forgotten. It really was a remarkable achievement by all. This coupled with the beautiful set (thank you to Mr Whiting who didn’t bat an eyelid when I calmly mentioned I would like a giant Pirate ship to be built!), the fabulous costumes by Mrs Allaway and the props created by Mrs Hughes and Mrs Harrison all meant that the evening truly was Pantastic!

Thank you to all the Year 4 parents for your support, and help with obtaining the set. Oh, and also for the gifts of chocolates!

Mrs Williams

Good Schools Guide