Chinese New Year

24th January 20

At The Granville we celebrate the cultures of all our friends and how they have special festivals that are very important to them. Mr and Mrs Yu came to talk to Class 1 about how Chinese New Year is celebrated in their house.

The girls found out that it is actually the New Year’s Eve meal that is the most important. This is when all the family come together and eat fish, chicken, dumplings and spring rolls. The girls listened very carefully to the story that explained why the years are ordered with animal names. The girls in Class 1 discovered that they were either a snake or a horse.

Earlier in the week Mrs Moore read the story to Reception of how the Jade Emperor chose the animals for the zodiac. When you are born the animal that matches your year is your special totem. We were all either born in 2014 the Year of the Horse (hard working and independent, good at doing two things at once) or in 2015 the Year of the Goat or Sheep (elegant, artistic and good natured, likes to avoid arguments).

We also had a very special Chinese New Year lunch which the children loved.


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