Back to the Stone Age for Class 3

3rd February 20

Class 3’s classroom was transported back to the Stone Age! Caveman Dan brought in exciting and genuine artefacts for us to look at. This included animal skins, bones and baskets, all of which he had either caught or made. We learnt about the five different time periods throughout the Stone Age and five girls got to dress up in the out-fits the people may have worn! We later tried on different hats, waistcoats and tops. Next, Class 3 looked at the tools and weapons. We were amazed by the fish nets Dan had made, although he did tell us, he had never caught a fish! Our ancestors must have been experts at this, with information being passed on through generations. In the afternoon we spent time making fat lamps which would have been lit using animal fat and string. These were used to guide the Stone Age people through caves. We also made cave painting art which includes our own unique spray painted hand print!

Class 3 had a wonderful day and it was a super way to end to our topic.


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