World Book Day 2021

5th March 21

The 4th of March marked yet another fun filled day celebrating World Book Day 2021.

The Granville school loves participating in this fantastic event.  Every year our staff come up with an amazing variety of activities for our students to take part in.

This year, of course, has been rather unusual. Even though we couldn’t celebrate all together in the conventional way, it certainly didn’t stop us from getting involved.

Apart from the usual dressing up as our favourite book characters, our pupils took part in online drama workshops, online interviews with book authors and some hands-on activities. Some of our older pupils took on the challenge of ‘Baking a Book’ in our competition to represent their favourite characters, scenes and events.

A busy day indeed!

Here are some pictures to showcase the amazing costumes, impressive bakes and some very creative ideas of places one can enjoy a book in.

Good Schools Guide