Category: News

Back to the Stone Age for Class 3

3rd February 2020

Class 3’s classroom was transported back to the Stone Age! Caveman Dan brought in exciting and genuine artefacts for us to look at. This included animal skins, bones and baskets, all of which he had either caught or made. We learnt about the five different time periods throughout the Stone Age and five girls got…

Forest School Swing

29th January 2020

Outdoor learning has numerous educational benefits, including; building resilience, self-esteem and confidence, allowing children to assess risk and having the opportunity to be creative and connect with nature. One of the delights of Forest School, is the chance to try different activities in the woods. The children have recently enjoyed using a swing made out…

Chinese New Year

24th January 2020

At The Granville we celebrate the cultures of all our friends and how they have special festivals that are very important to them. Mr and Mrs Yu came to talk to Class 1 about how Chinese New Year is celebrated in their house. The girls found out that it is actually the New Year’s Eve…

Our School Christmas Productions

24th December 2019

The Nutcracker – Year 1 and 2 Years 1 and 2 performed ‘The Nutcracker’ to friends and family. They thoroughly enjoyed themselves. It was a magical performance full of colour and the perfect way to start our Christmas celebrations. In the words of the Year 2 girls: ‘We both really liked dancing and the whole…

Senior Christmas Carol Service

22nd December 2019

The senior school girls in Years 3 to 6 led the Granville community in our Christmas Carol Service at St Nicholas Church. The service began and ended with uplifting singing from the whole congregation. The Year 6 girls contributed readings from the Bible which told of Isaiah’s prophecies of Christ’s birth through to the hope…

Year 4 Coffee Concert

20th December 2019

Our Year 4 girls performed to an appreciative audience of parents and friends. We heard a wonderful range of instruments – piano, recorder, violin, cello, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet and baritone! All our performers played with confidence and did themselves proud. It is not easy to perform in front of an audience but our girls smashed…

Autumn Festival 2019

20th December 2019

The boys and girls from Kindergarten Yellow Room to Year 2 delighted their parents on Thursday morning with their Autumn poems and songs. This year, as part of our Autumn Festival celebrations, we thought it would be a wonderful opportunity to collect for the local charity, Loaves and Fishes Foodbank. Thank you so much for…

String Day at Walthamstow Hall Senior School

20th December 2019

On Tuesday 24th September 2019, sixteen girls from Years 4, 5 and 6 travelled to Walthamstow Hall for their String Day. They played in a giant string orchestra of nearly fifty girls from local schools and were led by our very own Mr Burrowes! (He also teaches cello at Walthamstow Hall.) The girls enjoyed making…

Author visit

20th December 2019

Friday 13th September – Years 4-6 Author Visit “Every so often you have the privilege of meeting of meeting a truly inspirational person. For me last Friday was one of those rare occasions. The senior girls, staff and I had the pleasure of spending much of the afternoon listening to Elizabeth Laird talking about the…

School Worker of the Year

20th December 2019

The Reception to Year 6 girls had a very special assembly on Wednesday morning when they welcomed Mr Blake from Towergate Insurance. Mr Blake was here to present Mr Whiting, our site manager, with his prize for winning the ‘Towergate Insurance School Worker of the Year Award’. Well done, Mr Whiting. VERY WELL DESERVED ! Have a…

Good Schools Guide